Get tons of Sasami pics and downloads! Note- all downloads will be in .zip files mostly, only windows computers can take these files, I'm sorry for the people with Macs, but I will not send you the files by e-mail. Sorry. And also note some pictures I have edited while others I found on the net and edited, please don't not use these files on WebPages or send them out to people for use. -Thank you Erica Sky.
Don't have a .zip program? Go to and get a free one for a trial use!
Downloads and Descriptions:
Pictures Of Sasami! - All the pictures I have of Sasami shouldn't take long to download. (.Zip file)
Sasami Music! -Music from Sasami's show Pretty Samy only takes a sec to download (.Zip file)
That's all I have for now, Soon I will put up Sasami Backgrounds for the desktop for you to download!
Now go back to Main