Welcome to Sasamisky.com,complety deticated to the jurai princess,Sasami!

Welcome To Sasamisky.com! This site has all the info you could want on Sasami and her life in the Tenchi Series and in her own show Pretty Samy! Please note to have full access to this site you will need JavaScript and Shockwave on your computer, also a good sound card. Note- this site is now a part of Anime Sky 58! We aren't updating much any more but we still have alot of cool stuff so check around! That's all! Have fun, scroll down!

No need for a Menu!!!

Sasami's Profile! -Find out more about Sasami's personality and life.

Cooking lessons! -Cook with Sasami and ryo-oh-ki!

Pretty Samy! -all about Sasami's own show!

Tsunami -Sasami's counter part, all about her and her connection with Sasami.

Interact -Talk with other people about Sasami in chats message boards, guestbooks, and more.

Downloads -Music, movies, clips, and animations of Sasami!

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